Grilled Margherita Pizza

I have to say that I am hooked on grilling my pizza outdoors. This pizza is such a fun project for the hubby and me!  Talk about a quick, healthy meal in minutes … this will more than satisfy.  The beautiful part about making pizza on the grill is that authentic fire brick oven taste that brings out the BEST in this grilled pie.  The recipe was inspired by the Grill Next Door and we have modified that recipe to create a healthier version.

Stay Healthy Grilled Margherita Pizza

Stay Healthy Grilled Margherita Pizza


  • 6 large organic tomatoes (tomatoes on the vine work well)
  • 1 whole wheat pizza crust (purchase dough from the store or make your own)
  • Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Fresh Basil (purchase organic or from your garden)
  • Fresh Organic Mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh Organic Grated Provolone cheese
  • Ground Black Pepper
  • Sea Salt
  • Whole wheat flour for prepping dough


  1. Heat grill to 500 degrees and oil. Important that the grill is HOT
  2. Cut tomatoes in half and core out the seed pulp (set aside to use in other recipes)
  3. Place hulled tomato halves on grill cut side down first and grill for 5 minutes, turn over and grill an additional 3 minutes
  4. Remove tomatoes and place in large bowl, sprinkle with black pepper and sea salt, and mash with potato masher until thick sauce, set aside
  5. Place whole wheat pizza dough ball onto flour cookie sheet, pick up the dough and begin stretching by holding the borders of the dough, turn and stretch until crust is a large round. Place back on cookie sheet and gently fold in 3rds. Take the prepped dough on the cookie sheet to the grill and unfold dough directly onto hot grill. Grill for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes and check bottom at that time as it will burn if left too long. The dough will have bubbles on the top. Remove the half sided cooked dough back to cookie sheet and return to prep area. Turn the cooked side up and start dressing the pizza.
  6. Spread grilled tomato sauce onto crust until well covered
  7. Tear the fresh mozzarella and place on the pizza (this will be your preference on how heavy you want the cheese)
  8. Sprinkle fresh grated provolone onto pizza to your preference
  9. Rinse and cut fresh basil leaves into medium size pieces and sprinkle all over topped pizza crust, drizzle the entire pizza with extra virgin olive oil
  10. Carry the prepped pizza back to the hot grill and place directly on the grill, close the lid and grill for and additional 2 minutes (watch or crust will burn)
  11. Remove, slice, and serve with a side salad

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