Maintaining Your Fitness Goals

Reaching your fitness goals is a great accomplishment. It takes consistent effort to make that happen. And what remains important is maintaining those goals as a lifestyle.

Fitness is a Lifestyle

Fitness is not meant to be a temporary fix but a lifestyle of health and wellness. It may feel nice to rock that swimsuit for a season but fitness should mean more than that.

True fitness success happens when you live it daily. Consistent healthy eating and regular exercise are part of your normal routine. And getting off track for too long doesn’t feel right when living a healthy lifestyle. Fitness becomes a priority and excuses no longer get in the way.

Healthy Habits For Life

Far too often, people have achieved goal weight, reduced body fat, and improved overall health but are unable to maintain these victories. Somehow, returning to a few unhealthy habits is seen as harmless and before long, all the positive changes are gone and they are right back at the beginning or worse. 

The purpose of dumping unhealthy habits is to learn and keep new and healthier methods. And maintaining healthier habits is where the struggle can continue. Adopting healthy habits means keeping them for life. Life is the event to get in shape for not bikini season.

Forget the clothes and stand naked in front of a mirror. Standing in your truth will reveal if you’re doing a great job maintaining your fitness. I’m not talking about the body and skin changes naturally occurring with aging, weight loss, or pregnancy. We all know the difference. What this test will show is if you’re being honest about living a healthy life.

The Bottom Line

Your body keeps the most accurate record of what you’re eating and drinking regardless of what you write down in a fitness journal. It also knows if exercise is lacking. The human body is smart like that.

Reaching fitness goals is possible when a healthy lifestyle is maintained. In fact, maintaining your fitness is the goal.

If you find yourself starting over, remember you can reach your goals again. This time, you will be wiser about the consequences of returning to unhealthy habits. You will be able to look at the process of getting fit as the goal and what it takes to maintain a healthy body for life.

As a personal trainer and coach for over 30 years, I share videos and posts specific to the importance of aging well through proper fitness and nutrition on my Instagram page. I look forward to having you as a follower.

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