The pressure to have a perfect body causes many people to seek out quick-fix solutions. These solutions are numerous and may include things like detox cleanses, restrictive diets, bariatric or similar surgery, and cosmetic procedures. Unfortunately, these types of treatments won’t help you get fit. On the other hand, what enables you to achieve true fitness is a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle teaches you how to take care of your body through proper nourishment and exercise. Contrarily, quick-fix methods provide a temporary solution without learning how to eat well and exercise.
Without regular exercise or nutrition knowledge, quick fixes are wasted time and money. In other words, you will not have learned how to achieve true fitness. You may look better for a moment, but you lose in the end game.
What is Learned
A person using a restricted diet or limiting themselves to protein shakes is not learning proper nutrition. Furthermore, research indicates restrictive nutritional programs are not sustainable for weight loss. As a result, the weight initially lost from these programs is gained back plus more within two years according to diet experts.
Surgical procedures like liposuction (fat cell removal) are a popular quick fix. However, nothing is learned if unhealthy eating habits continue post-surgery. The same goes for surgically altering your stomach with a band and continuing to eat fries, pizza, and donuts.
Quick fixes lack education about health, fitness, nutrition, and how to achieve it. As a result, most return to the original weight and size (or larger).
What has been shown to work for successful weight loss is eating well and regular exercise.
What You Need to Know
To achieve true fitness, it will be important to implement a healthy lifestyle. Equally important to know – that fitness is not achieved through packaged protein shakes or on an elective surgery table. Good health is achieved through daily food choices and exercise creating a habit that becomes a lifestyle.
If supplement companies or surgeons are telling you that protein shakes or surgical procedures will create a perfect body, they’re wrong. I will go as far as to say they are negligent in feeding you a load of BS. Regardless of the diet product or procedure, it will take living a healthy lifestyle to maintain your body.
It’s important to remember that quick-fix solutions never provide permanent change.
What Can You Do?
Be willing to forget about quick-fix scams and invest time learning how to eat right and exercise. Getting fit the right way is what matters not how long it will take. The goal is to enjoy the process along the way.
Achieving a healthy lifestyle is not found in a bottle or on a surgical table, but in how you think and live. Change takes changing your daily routine. It can be helpful to start writing down fitness goals and begin a healthy lifestyle list. This may also include charting how you’re feeling each day through the journey.
Short-term goals could include replacing processed foods in your refrigerator and pantry with healthy selections. Another could be adding exercise 2 or 3 times per week, or losing 5lbs.
Achieving true fitness is about daily progress and not perfection. Be patient, don’t compare yourself to others, and celebrate each daily victory.
As a personal trainer and coach for over 30 years, I share videos and posts specific to the importance of aging well through proper fitness and nutrition on my Instagram page. I look forward to having you as a follower.
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