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Blogging is my gift to you and includes personal shares, fitness information, motivation, and plenty of helpful tips. I prepare fresh content weekly and as a subscriber, you will receive a free subscription delivered directly to your inbox.

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Fake Health Foods Can Lead to Fake Fitness
Fake Health Foods Can Lead to Fake Fitness
Health food is marketed not for your health but for financial gain. In...
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My Journey through Menopause
My Journey through Menopause
My journey through menopause is more of an update of my “Menopause...
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How to Lose 12lbs in 6 Weeks
How to Lose 12lbs in 6 Weeks
Losing 12 pounds is not only a realistic goal but can be done in a short...
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Find Your Motivation Mojo For Health Improvement
Find Your Motivation Mojo For Health Improvement
Have you found motivation mojo when it comes to improving your health?    Motivation...
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What You Need to Know About Sugar Intake to Lose Body Fat
What You Need to Know About Sugar Intake to Lose Body Fat
Are you eating too much sugar? Many of us may not realize the hidden sugars...
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Eating in Moderation Helps Me Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Eating in Moderation Helps Me Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is not about unsustainable restrictive diets...
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Changing Your Body Requires Changing Your Lifestyle
Changing Your Body Requires Changing Your Lifestyle
HOW are you living? Are you stuck in a rut, not feeling well most of...
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I Don't Use Supplements or Believe in Fitness Gimmicks
I Don't Use Supplements or Believe in Fitness Gimmicks
Supplements can make false claims and outlandish guarantees. They are not...
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