Fitness Resolutions are Often Temporary

One of the most popular resolutions is to get fit and live healthier for the upcoming new year. Unfortunately, what often happens is the promise to improve our health fades in just a few months. Motivation may start high but lose momentum over time.

I don’t mean to be a Darla downer with this post, but I am honestly not impressed with New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, I have seen the motivation to get healthy fizzle out in a few short months more often than not. I am a believer in getting fit now and not needing a holiday to implement health improvement methods.

The intention to get healthy is great, and everyone celebrates the announcement that a friend or family member plans to improve their life.  However, many people are motivated in the beginning but it doesn’t seem to last long.  

What Is a Resolution?

The word resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. It’s a promise to yourself that should be taken seriously. Too often these promises fizzle out in a few short months.

Not being able to commit to real change continues to remain the largest problem with resolutions to get healthy. There should be some way to create a sustainable desire within people to take care of themselves. What it comes down to is personal responsibility regardless of what day or holiday it is.

Fitness is Now not New Year

I don’t feel a special day is required to commit to improving your health. Each day should be about making healthy choices to achieve positive change in your life. And the longer you wait, the longer it will take to achieve results.

Beware of New Year’s Fitness Fads

Do you spend lots of money on fad diets and supplements at New Year’s? I caution you to become your own healthcare advocate and research any product or diet before making a purchase.

The fitness industry is a multi-billion-dollar business targeting consumers during its biggest money-making holiday. Companies marketing fitness products are saying everything you want to hear to get you to buy.

Supplement companies promise quick weight loss, increased muscle size, and improved athletic performance with their products. Fad diets make the same type of claims and market the only way to be successful is by following their program.

Unfortunately, supplements are not FDA-regulated and therefore, there is no guarantee of the quality, purity, or effectiveness of the product. Fad diets are typically restrictive, very low calorie, and remove essential food groups potentially causing negative health effects.

The Excuse Holiday

Many people feel validated to eat and drink whatever they want until resolution day. This is unhealthy thinking and behavior. Using a holiday as an excuse to overindulge for several months only makes things worse. This unhealthy mindset promotes weight gain, illness, and a longer journey to achieve good health.

Studies indicate resolutions last for about 4 weeks. So, all that overeating, weight gain, hangovers, and stress overload is for nothing. It’s an excuse to be negligent with your body and health.

Better Thinking

Instead of disregarding your health heading into the New Year, adopt a better way of thinking. Consider starting your journey to health before the holiday and coming into the New Year ahead of the game.

Change your mindset to make daily resolutions instead of waiting to get healthy. That way you are making choices and changes to improve your life each day, not just for a month. This may include eating better, improved ways to exercise, or getting more rest.  

New Year is a meaningful way to celebrate your healthy achievements made over 365 days. It can be a positive celebration and reflection of the past year and the New Year to come.

As a personal trainer and coach, I share videos and posts specific to the importance of aging well through fitness on my Instagram page. I look forward to having you as a follower.

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